5 Mahout ChatGPTips

september 18, 2024
Author: Tom Hartgers

GenAI: You've probably played with it before. Maybe, its usage has already yielded some nice results. We too see that GenAI creates a lot of opportunities, but at the same time raises a lot of questions. From big strategic questions (E.g. how should we as an organisation relate to generative AI?) to very concrete hands-on questions (E.g. how do I ask ChatGPT the right question?). To help you with the second, we'll share five concrete GPTips to deploy GenAI in an approachable way. That way, GenAI won't just be a fun toy for you, but actually a useful tool.

GPTip 1: Start small! And impress your colleagues tomorrow!

Scrolling down LinkedIn, we see an example come up about GenAI robots telling you when your strawberries are ripe. Fantastic of course, but this may give the impression that you need to be very specialised to get started with GenAI. This certainly doesn’t have to be the case! We ourselves started by trying out free tools. This quickly yielded value: now we use GenAI successfully for coding, acquiring knowledge and summarising texts. Via a specially set up Team channel, we continuously share GenAI tips with each other to further develop the knowledge of the entire team.

Here are some GenAI tools with free trial versions that we think are definitely worthwhile:

– OpenAI ChatGPT3.5

– Microsoft CoPilot – Integrated in Microsoft Edge and Bing

– Grammarly – The AI writing assistant

– Stable Diffusion – For images (requires more technical knowledge)

With these tools, you’ll impress your colleagues with cool GenAI skills in no time! Just be careful not to enter sensitive data into these tools.

GPTip 2: Ask GPT for help with prompts. Together, you’ll achieve more!

GenAI tools are easily accessible, but how do you actually write a good prompt? A prompt is nothing more than a specific instruction or question you ask your GPT. The sharper your prompt is written, the better and more relevant the result. It is sometimes quite tricky to include the right elements in your prompt.

Our tip: ask your GPT to help you. That way, you’ll discover what you can include in your prompt, and you can combine and refine elements yourself!

GPTip 3: Use GPT as your personal trainer.

Have you ever considered turning the tables? That ChatGPT asks you the questions and you give the answers?

Mahout Tom tells: ‘When I was still relatively new to SQL, I was looking for a good SQL training at the right level. Often these quickly became too simple, too complicated or some of the queries were already completed or they lacked depth. ChatGPT offered the perfect personalised solution here. Only requirements: an open source database that you can download and that ChatGPT has knowledge of (e.g. Microsoft’s Contoso or AdventureWorks databases) and a local SQL server to query the database.
The result: a dynamic trainer, who gives challenging assignments but can also give specific tips and check my answers if needed.’

Ask ChatGPT for questions that test your understanding of specific syntax or, ask for a very extensive case study, where you have to make your own extra thinking steps to arrive at the correct queries. Can’t figure out the steps? Then look kindly look at your trainer via your webcam, and they will give you a clue.

GPTip 4: Rename your chats, and make your conversations memorable!

ChatGPT is very versatile. From code checking for your data selection to an easy recipe for curry using the ingredients left in your fridge; it can all be done in the same environment. What OpenAI has not added (for now), however, is a way to save your favourites.

Mahout Sanne: ‘A while ago, when I got stuck in the same code for that data selection, and in between wanted to share “my” curry recipe with a colleague, it was difficult to quickly retrieve the right ChatGPT calls.

What helped me a lot with this was renaming my chats. For instance, I can quickly find the code for the data selection in the chat I named ‘SQL code data selection’. And the chat ‘Recipes’ will henceforth contain all my cooking inspiration.’ This also makes it immediately easier to continue later on the same topic in the same chat. ChatGPT then remembers exactly what you shared about this earlier. Finally, it also helps to archive or delete chats that you know you will no longer need.

GPTip 5: make a VrijMiBo shopping list!

Are you throwing a party soon, or are you responsible for organising the VrijMiBo? Then it might be nice to get some help with that: what do you bring in, and is there a nice cocktail or mocktail that matches the colours of your company or house?
We asked ChatGPT to make a shopping list for our VrijMiBo and were not disappointed 😉. Try it yourself!

Curious about what GenAI can do for you?

Viola Neumann
Data Strategist
+31 6 573 959 14
Curious about what GenAI can do for you?


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